Year of Silence

Somehow i have fully forgotten to write here. Also i don’t mean literally a year of silence. Cause i couldn’t do that! (i mean theoretically yes i could but i don’t see a reason to). But no writing on this blog. And also being less on social media and posting less. And almost never posting stuff about kids, due to privacy reasons and also there’s way too many creeps out there.

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Elu Välisriigis

SIDE NOTE: for my English speaking friends, this is a blog post for my lovely estonian people about life in a foreign country. Sorry it’s not in english. BUT… if you are really really wanting to read it, you can try this translate page here: (just copy the text and put it in there). It will not be perfect (but who is?) but you’d get the idea at least.

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A lot of times i have a lot going on in my head. Recently i discovered i might have ADHD. Sadly getting diagnosed in NSW (Australia), is relatively challenging. See normal things you can go to GP and they can prescribe things for you and then send you off to therapy or something. But apparently, with ADHD there’s a whole set of rules. You need to see a special psychiatrist (or was it a psychologist?

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Hey! Been a while, oops! But really, i am not sorry. I am telling myself that this is my own page and i don’t need to fill a standard or schedule for writing. Just write when i get there, when i feel like it. And it’s been more than a year. Mostly i didn’t write because life got busy. With two young kids, and quite a few health issues.

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So it’s been a while. But life just gets away from me. I thought it’s about time to reveal that i struggle. Yup, like everyone else in the world, we have our own struggles. And this picture is a great example of how it’s complicated. I cried this morning. And last night. Because the struggle is really really hard. I know a lot of people share about their struggles once they are better, or once they get through them.

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One Year Later?

Hey! It’s been a while and my oh my how our lives have changed! As you can see from this picture here! Family Long story short, we live now in Australia, i have two beautiful daughters and we are about to move to a 3 bedroom house. But that’s not what you came here to read, short story? Hehee. :) So let’s rewind a bit. PS! This might be long, so grab a preferred beverage (i’m having coffee as it’s 5am right now), and let’s get going.

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​ What if i told you that you would face lots of hardships. You will have troubles, worries, problems. Adversity. Like it’s for sure you will get there. What if every area in your life looked miserable. Sad. Hard. Impossible. Troublesome. Worrying. Concerning. What then? What would you do? Adversity in our lives is inevitable. This is what Google says adversity is: ​ So here’s an honest confession. My life lately, well not very lately, for quite a long time, has been full of adversity.

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I Was Vegan for a Year

VEGANism Hey, so first of all, we should establish what is veganism. In a very broad sense, it’s a choice not to use animal products at all (food, clothing, cosmetics etc), as much as possible. Meaning sometimes it’s inevitable because for example medicine might be tested on animals. For our family, this meant that we mostly ate vegan food. Especially me and Sarah. Peter sometimes ate non-vegan items. Me personally, also chose to try to use vegan and cruelty-free products.

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Moses! Moses!

So hiiii! It’s me again! I am now reading Exodus in my quiet time. Or time with God. Or devotional time. People call that in so many different names. Also unrelated picture, because Sarah is just adorable. But i realised i needed to do another blog post because God is speaking so much into my life through the beginning of Exodus. I have read only six pages so far. (by the way, if you are new here HI!

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Hi! So if you haven’t been here before, heelloooo! My name is Mirjam, you could probably guess that. And this is my blog. I haven’t writte over a year, because well. Who cares? I want to be unapologetic with this. I am not consistent with this blog, so mostly you can find my posts on instagram/facebook. But today, i got a bit more to say. And typing on my phone a longer message got a bit too much.

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Mirjam Anderson