-–the story continues.
It’s the 26th of december, and again i wake up to strange sounds. My motel is located close to the golf course, which means more animals there. And by the sounds i have no idea, if it’s monkey, or a bird or whatever. Kinda strange, but not scared. I know how before going to Australia, people are like “oh, you know there’s like poisonous stuff there, like frogs, snakes and such?!”. Me “Yup, i know!” :) I mean, i have never been afraid of nature. On the contrary. In my country, Estonia, you go to the forest, you can touch animals, they are fine, mostly they run from you. You eat berries you pick from the forest and they are yummy. Well if you know what to eat. And that’s the thing. If you have knowledge of what is good and bad, then that helps a lot. Which is why, before i went there, i asked Peter to tell me if i ever should be doing something like oh can i touch, and he’d be able to stop me if it’s a no way touching thing :D

So waking up to some noises. Peter brings me coffee. So adorable! I do miss that! We leave early and have breakfast again at his grandparents house. And then we are off to go see animals! We went to Taronga Zoo. That was kind of cool, but also very exhausting. We saw, well a lot. From pinguins to elephants. And the views there to Sydney, gorgeous! Coming from a person who has lived in a flat country most of her life, anything that is a hill, i call a mountain :D We went again to Koorong, but now i can’t remember what for. Did we then buy something again? Anyway, was rather long and hot day. I think we prayed a bit too much for the weather, because i got pretty warm weather, but then locals said, not too warm. :)

The next day (27th) we started our long journey home. Long meaning, we drove from Sydney to Coffs Harbour. Since i know, how i sometimes get car sick (or bus sick for that matter), then took a travel medicine before that. It helped a bit, but still. Being in the car for hours and hours on a hot day, it was rather hard. But my lovely man, next to me, made it way nicer with small things. Like foot massage. Or just staring at me like i was some site to see. He really does adore me. :) There were a lot of roadworks, so at one point, we decided to go from a short cut. Which turned to a long cut, but we found our way again. We used gps and my phone’s maps. :) But at least it was nice scenery off from the road works and traffic jam!

We arrived and were exhausted. BUT Peter had a surprise for me! He had made the room i was staying in, in his parents house, so cosy! He’d put christmas lights around the room and it was so pretty! I love this man! He is so thoughtful and romantic! I feel giddy and want to jump up and down like a little girl, when he does stuff like that! I love love love cute surprises like this. Amazing how lucky and blessed i am to have this man!

28th of decemeber.
SWIMMING! Well attempt to swim at least. Oh my oh my! That was a huge experience for me. First of all, i am very conscious about my body and how i look. And well not a bikini person (i am still working on having a healthy body-image and self-esteem), so had a swimsuit and a dress. And i never took the dress off. After all, where is the line when you want to be modest and not tempt the other person? Well apparently when in Estonia, people would look weird if you walk in the water with a dress, but in Australia, people wear shorts, and shirts and go swimming and it’s fine. So i actually felt comfortable. Yay! But i had never seen WAVES like this before!  I mean, it’s not a sea. This is an ocean, my dear readers. And this was my first time in an ocean. And it didn’t go that well first time. Meaning, we got in the water, leaving our stuff (bag etc), on the beach. And yes i got Peter to the beach people! (he usually doesn’t do that) So in we go. It’s not that warm that day, but i went in a bit. Compared to Estonia, it was warm of course. :) But! The waves. Not sure why, but i suddenly get terrible panic attack. Maybe it’s the waves that are so big, uncontrollable and scary. And i feel i can’t breathe properly. I ask Peter to help me out. We get out and wrap ourselves in towels and i try to calm down. I cry, because i really didn’t want to get upset. When you want to just have a good day and your body decides to do something else, this is what life with anxiety is like. 
Peter surely, as usual, is his calm self and is wonderful with me. He calms me down and we walk, wrapped in towels on the beach a bit. We head to the car and leave and see that it starts to rain then.

Went shopping after that a little bit. Shopping not because we have so much money, but because in Denmark i live in small town where there’s only 2 grocery stores and 1 pharmacy. Not many places to buy things i want, or need. So i use opportunities there, when i have things around. :)

That afternoon causes some anxiety too, as i am about to meet the family. ALL of them. I can’t really help my anxiety, but they are lovely bunch of people! And since people knew before hand of my things, then mostly they don’t mind if i disappear downstairs to my room to calm down a bit. We have agreed with Peter that when i need to leave i can squeeze his hand. It was our secret message then, that he’d know to excuse us.
At one point being downstairs, i think i hear one of the kids ask " is Mirjam coming out again"…  i do smile at that and return soon. The afternoon and dinner goes well and it’s cool to see Peter’s side of the family! People exchange gifts, and still it’s strange that i am wearing summer clothes and it’s christmas! I get also some gifts and i sure am surprised. Wasn’t really expecting them, but am grateful of people being so thoughtful! Wonderful family and i love having part of their christmas!

to be continued….