The Blues

I wake up and feel, well to be honest terrible. I crawl out of my bed with aches and pains and my stomach feeling weird. I keep remember what a friend (H) said the other day. “Mirjam, have you thought that maybe this is God putting you through things so you might have the gift of prophecy, they had also a lot of struggles in the Bible. Prophetic people. " And i have constantly thought about that.

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Something Odd...

I have no idea what is going on with my body. No, i won’t creep you out but just try putting down, what is going on with my health. It’s been strange lately. And by lately i mean… well about couple of months at least. At this point, i can’t even remember what was the first thing that hit me. But right now, there’s quite a few things at the same time.

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Here’s the thing. Too many people don’t get it. Don’t get what it feels like to be me at times of cloudiness, rough days and all that. So let me explain. Maybe you know someone who has symptoms like i do. Or maybe you have. And maybe this helps you in either case. Anyway, too often i’ve heard so much how people say the wrong things. I understand that sometimes you don’t know what to say, but let me tell you what not to say to people with depression and anxiety.

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In Between

The title of this article is one that I came up with when I started writing this, but Peter realised that it’s also the name of a Daniel Kirkley song which is quite appropriate to our situation - two people with their differences, but united by love. We thought that was cool :) This is a part two of sorts for Peter’s and my ongoing love story. Mirjam People have often asked me all sorts of questions about our relationship.

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Peter and I

The following is the story of how Peter and I met and fell in love. It will take you approximately 45 minutes to read entirely, so settle in and enjoy (or read it in sections at your leisure). Online Dating History Mirjam My dating history online isn’t that long, but there have been few “interesting” people pass my way. And if anyone wonders why i went online, not to seek a future husband online, well there’s several reasons.

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I wrote this in about 2010 for my baptism. My parents were there and this is the first time they heard a lot of this. It was emotional and beautiful for me. My family is not christian (yet!). So i put this just out there to give an idea of where i come from. There’s MUCH more that has happened, but not everything has space to be here. But this is the biggest thing that God has done for me.

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Mirjam Anderson