Labour and delivery It was already so long ago, but it has taken me quite some time to get to my blog again. Little breaks between taking care of our daughter are spent on “me time”. Also, i might be sharing details about labour not everyone wants to know. So cringe-worthy stuff you can’t stand, just scroll to the next section. Starting from around 28 weeks of pregnancy i started to have high blood pressure.

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Waiting Waiting

As i sit here with my 38 week pregnant belly in our new rental apartment, i realized i have forgotten to blog for quite a while. Nope, there won’t be apologizing, because why? It’s not an obligation. But more like a pleasure to me when i feel like it. But lately, life has been a lot of waiting. We moved to Estonia a bit over two months ago now. I was then 27 weeks pregnant, and well flying was uncomfortable even back then.

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Most of my Christian life people have told me that “Mirjam, you are so brave to do this!” But I’ve personally never seen it like that. It’s been a little over a week and we have moved to Estonia, my homeland. Our new home. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was what we felt God was calling us to do. And that is the only way I have wanted to live my life, even before meeting Peter.

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21 weeks now I have been a mom. Even though our little one is in my tummy for now - that on its own makes me a mother. Taking care of a child starts in the womb. At least for me and us. I know that baby needs nutrition, occasional gentle exercise (mostly walks for us). I know how I feel comfortable and your body or the baby will let you know when you are doing something wrong.

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One of the things i hope to do this year is to read more. Which in turn helps me to be closer to God and understand Him more/deeper. Every year i think about all the Bible reading plans out there. And surely i have tried my fair share of them. And failed. So many times. They just often don’t work. If i have a plan with deadline (say you want to read through the Bible in a year), life just gets in the way.

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So yesterday’s post was full of memories and emotions. Moments we’ve been through already. So in some ways, this post might be considered even boring. But in other ways, I and we, want to set ourselves goals, because well if you don’t even try, then you are gonna be the same. Setting yourself goals and at least trying, even when failing, you have at least some chance of succeeding. You can then tell yourself that you tried.

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So today, we had a date, and finally got around to doing the review of this year. Which means that I just felt that we have been through quite a lot and looking back was necessary. So I went around the internet (and well Pinterest my trusted friend) to look for questions and we compiled a list of questions to review our current year, but also to prepare for the next.

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3 months pregnant So today I am 3 months pregnant. Well officially 13 weeks and (checking her pregnancy app..) 2 days pregnant. It’s been.. hmm interesting would be a good word. Life has been fairly challenging. This is my first pregnancy and surely surely, I am super scared at times. And I am prone to worry. Like a lot. Because we all have heard horror stories of pregnancies. Or how something can go wrong.

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THIS is not an argument. This is my view. This is what I believe and live by. Lately I have seen so many arguments on one of my friends walls, about what is for Christians and what isn’t. She’s an amazing Christian who stands by what she believes in and shares it boldly! I admire her and love that she answers almost every comment with truth and honesty, not being afraid of what others think or what they might say back.

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100 Days of Veganism

Today marks the 100th day of me being vegan. Peter is a bit behind, but I wanted to write what I have learned, noticed and thought in this time. Why I became vegan So thing is, once you know the truth, it is very very very hard to ignore. I watched documentaries. I saw how cows, chicken, pigs were treated. I saw how calves (baby cows) were removed from their moms almost immediately after giving birth, to save more dairy.

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Mirjam Anderson